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Lunch & Learn: Get Fit While You Sit


Join us for a special daytime workshop on Thursday, April 11 with Michelle Veneziano, DO.  

Dr. Veneziano will share some key physiology that can help you turn your work day into a therapeutic experience. She will teach easy and pleasurable practices that decrease pain and increase strength, flow and efficiency - all while you go about your normal day!

Michelle Veneziano, DO, became board certified in family medicine in 2004. Her approach to non-surgical orthopedics is based in Osteopathy in the Cranial Field. @michellevenezianodo

This event is discounted for Members of the Indie Alley (just enter your special promo code). There is a small fee for non-Members to attend.

Registration required below.

Earlier Event: April 9
Lunch & Learn: #getyourlife