“Attention on Your Numbers + Deep Self-Honesty + Connection”
The topic of money can be fraught with difficult emotions…shame, anger, grief, fear, envy to name a few. And it gets our attention so well because we need it for survival. Beyond survival, money can be a great tool for helping ourselves and others to grow and thrive.
It is possible to feel authentically confident, peaceful, accepting, and inspired when it comes to money! When the 3 elements (attention on numbers, deep self-honesty, and connection) are well-handled, we can enjoy money in its proper place in our lives. It’s important, without being the MOST important aspect of life.
It is common for some people to have stronger skills with just one of the 3 elements (i.e. comfortable crunching the numbers but not talking about the feelings with someone else; or, comfortable being honest with oneself in the moment, but not tracking or interpreting the bigger financial picture). That’s a great start to be strong in one area, but true peace of mind and soul come from having all three aspects integrated and working well.
Join us for this 2-hour adventure on increasing your own financial wellness. The tools and skills we will review and practice together work for both business and personal finances. This will be a safe zone, guided and informed by mindfulness and feminine values, in which to grow more clear and confident around this topic. The date has also been set with tax preparation in mind. Bring your questions and ideas about how to make peace with the tax process...handling it well without it casting any dark shadows on your life!
Your facilitator for this lunch meeting is Financial Wellness Coach Beth Crittenden. Beth has studied financial behaviors and best practices for the past decade, to her own surprise! Bringing together elements learned in somatic psychology, Buddhist practice, partner dancing, improv, addictions and family recovery, small business administration, bookkeeping, and the ever-humbling world of competitive tennis, Beth is an eclectic and honest guide about ways to both lighten up and excel when it comes to financial wellness.